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Showing posts from May, 2022

Fear Not!

Fear not. I once heard a pastor say when you hear "fear not",  there is something or a situation that you actually could fear. Meaning that the logical reason to fear is there. I've also heard the Bible scripture that talks about what Job feared the most came upon him. I often wondered about that because I'm sure he was praying against the things that he feared would happen.  I was in a situation where I was not certain what the outcome would be. I wanted a positive outcome, but deep down I wasn't allowing myself to enjoy the opportunity because I felt that at any moment it could end. I prayed, joined a support group on the matter, and believed that I was working hard on myself to change. I felt because I was doing all of these activities, I would prevent the negative outcome from occurring and not repeat mistakes I had made in the past. I thought my actions were positive, and they were, but I was still unknowingly doing them in fear and giving energy ...